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So you think we are a running club? Think again..

Jan 17, 2025

Many people think we are a running club, and I get it. Thats where it all started. 16 years ago I started coaching women who didnt consider themselves sporty to fall in love with running. I helped them achieve something they never thought possible and showed them how to feel amazing that beyond 4 walls of their office, home and gym. They ran their first 5k, some ran longer, some faster and many still run today. But it's not really about the running at all. 

Over 15 years on many of these women are STILL with us in ForgetTheGym. They know how to run, they know how to warmup, stretch and could create their own training plans if they really wanted to. But they get so much more from being part of our community. The shared sense of achievement, the motivation, camaraderie, fun and friendships that come from working together to a common goal has created bonds that are hard to break. These women are like sisters, welcoming new members, supporting those who have ups and downs and always focussing on what we can do together rather than making it compeititive and intimidating. They know how important getting out the door is for everyone and after over a decade of seeing the benefits of time in fresh air, they are our best ambassadors. 


Running is just one way to move and we need to find a form of movement we enjoy if we are going to keep it going well into the future. What makes fitness easier is sharing the journey with others, whether in person or virtually. Its having someone in your corner to kick you out the door or pat you on the back after you made the effort on the day you could have made an excuse. Its seeing a little post come up on our private app what makes you want to get out the door and feel the wind in your head. These gentle nudges are what keeps us going. 

In our ForgetTheGym membership we inspire eachother. Yes we have all the follow along videos, lessons, training plans and recipes. We have the coaching, the QnAs and the workshops. You can see a video of whats inside here. But what we really have most is eachother. I am so so lucky to be part of a community of other women who have eachothers back. They share the same view that getting outside is good for their mental and physical health, but often struggle to prioritise themselves ahead of work, family and other commitments. But in their corner (and on our App) is a group of cheerleaders, inspriring women who also have ups and downs, who dont judge, but instead gently support eachother to take the next step. 

Sound like what you need? We only open the doors to our membership once or twice per year and you are in luck. For these last 2 weeks of january we welcome new members. Find out more

If you are curious about becoming a member, but would like to see more about what it looks like from inside, you can see a sneaky look inside our membership. In there you will see what it looks like, but what really is even better to read is what our members actually get out of it. Read members reviews. 

If membership is not for you right now, we do have 2 other options..   

1. Beach Running classes in Dublin kick off on 25th January for 12 weeks to Easter : Midweek Classes in the evenings for Ladies of all Running Levels. See Timetable (50% discount for members)

2. Beginners Running Programme : If you want to be running 5k by Easter but can't even manage a minute right now, this beginners course is for you! 

If you would love to be part of the gang, now is your chance. Read more about membership here. Don't wait until you are more fit, strong and have more time on your hands. Thats what you said last year (am i right). Now is your time to treat yourself to feeling better than ever. Come join us. 

Drop us a line if you not sure whats right for you right now and happy to chat

Mary x

By the way, If you were in the membership you would know the the daffodils are now up in Dublin ! Yay. Spotted this morning in malahide as we were out doing our January mile a day challenge... Daffodils up, time to look forward now to where you want to be in 2025... 

Some Quick links for you if you know you won't do it alone but really want 2025 to be the year you look after yourself!  

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